Wednesday, November 26, 2008

808s and Fierceness...

so in my ears now is nothing but beyonce and kanye. the albums I've been waiting for. i listen to both of them from beginning to end sometimes repeating songs 2 or more times lol. the beats are ridiculous on kanye's and nothing like you've ever heard from him or anyone else i would say. beyonce... well you know how i feel about her, she is fab, period.and the songs just bless me. kanye just goes on girls that pissed him off and you cant even be mad at him because the beat is so hott. i feel his grown man comin on too. lil wayne's appearance is hott as well. so i put on high heels and strut around belting out all of her tunes and noddin heavily to kanye's beats. i suggest you put these on your christmas list for sure.... enjoy.

no honking allowed.

ok. i just read a post about rude men in the club grabbin ass, and it reminded me about something else that gets me all worked up. So you are walking down the street, and you can be doing a number of things: you can be walking to work with a cup of coffee and headphones on, standing at the bus stop, or you can be simply strolling down the street about to enter into your favorite store. Then all of a sudden...BEEEP BEEEEP!! *blink*blink*-----what-the-fuck-. I cannot explain how much this pisses me off. After the initial shock that I suffer from the blaring sound, my mind begins to go... first of all, I was under the impression that you honk at a dog to get them to move out of the way or at a hooker to show her that you are interested in her "business" and i am neither so what am i supposed to do?? Bat my eyelids and run recklessly into the street to greet you!?? hell to the no, so what would you like to happen. Now it is one thing for you to honk in passing because the obvious message is "you're cute". That is just as bad, but your disrespect can be overlooked...i guess. But when you honk at me, then signal for me to engage in a conversation with you or give the impression that you want my number, i wish I had an AK to spell "fuck you" in the side of your vehicle. You don't even respect me enough to get out of the car to acknowledge me, why would I be interested in knowing that you exist? Then you all have the nerve to be offended!! What is happening in the world when you think this is ok? Ugh. it disgusts me and it says in 5 seconds the type of person you are. an idiot. period. So fellas, next time you are in your car and you see an attractive female that you are interested in, please consider getting out of your vehicle at least to get her attention instead of honking at her as if to warn her that you are about to hit her.

ps. i wish i had one of these "no honking" signs to whip out the next time the madness occurs.

Thursday, November 13, 2008

baps r us

ok so i had the pleasure of attending the first annual Essence Young Women's Leadership Conference here in Washington, DC. Because I have been deprived of being around black people for a while, whenever I am surrounded by us, i get excited, lol. The convention center had tons of young, fab black women all dressed in fly suits, skirts and dresses with luxurious hair everywhere. There were a few panels all talking about being young,female, black and my fav: successful. We touched on topics such as entrepreneurship, personal finances (credit,debt, loans, mortgages) and or course our image in this country and around the world. Notable faces were Jeff Johnson, Angels and Vanessa Simmons and others you may not know my name, but have fab careers and doing big things... great event.
speaking of great events, last night i went to the VSB happy hour at the mahogany restaurant... it was a great time, shoutouts to for having the event. i am looking forward to the next time.

my president is black. yours is too.

sooo im back. had to get my life together, still haven't quite gotten there... still looking for a full-time job, yeah. say a prayer.

in other news. my president is black! i am a little late, so i can't make that big of a deal, but i feel it necessary to let it be known that there is an extra pep in my step and my nose is a lil higher in the air than it usually is. i am now reading all the hype and aftermath and I am loving it. On election night i was on U street with 2 of my girlfriends and I have never seen anything like it. There were roars after every state was announced, essp. after Pennsylvania and Virginia, then when the announcement flashed across the screen. I cannot explain to you the amount of excitement and happiness that flowed from my head to my toes. I was elated to say the least. A random white woman hugged me as well as this little fly Asian dude. The dj busted out Cameo's "Candy" and as all black people do in times of celebration, we began an intense session of the electric slide that only ended to hear whack ass mccain speak. in my head i was saying " why didn't he say this speech earlier in his campaign?" but i was also happy he didn't because people may have actually considered him... anyway the club turned into a church when President Elect Barack Obama took the stage. That man is wonderful, I swear. Everything he said rang clear for everyone around the world and I choked up when he began his story about the 106 year old woman and how as an african american and female in this country, she was able to vote, essp. because this was my first time voting...
*sidenote* did you all see them lines!! I was telling my friends about the thugs in line waiting to vote... it was wonderful! anyways...

after President Elect Barack Obama (i like saying that in case you can't tell) gave his profound speech, everyone poured into the streets to act like complete fools. It was all in good spirits though. I hate the sound of honking horns but it sounded so good that night! people were hanging out of car windows, slappin hands, wavin flags and signs, standing on the corner clapping and dancing. it was glorious.
now i only have one bone to pick with the obama-haters.... the people who continue to question whether or not he is black or whether this is really a win for african americans..*ahem* excuse the chicken about to arise... well it aint a loss for us got damnit! and how the hell are you arguing whether or not he is black?? have you seen the last 43 presidents?! i dont care if he is light skinned, purple or red, he represents power as another color other than WHITE. it really upsets me when black people want to discredit this election and it shows that the psychological slavery in this country has really taken a toll on the minds of many. first of all you should not need anyone to validate your being, so if you need a certain type of "black" to be satisfied, you are what we like to call ignorant and ass backwards. On the other hand you must also understand the power of his presence and what it says to the world. I believe this should be a time for everyone to reevaluate the power of "power" in the world, what "color" it has been and the effects it has had. Also look at the history or our country and its position in the world for the last 200+ years. After that, shut up and jump for joy and shout for the 44th President of the United States of America, Barack Obama and the First Family.