ok. i just read a post about rude men in the club grabbin ass, and it reminded me about something else that gets me all worked up. So you are walking down the street, and you can be doing a number of things: you can be walking to work with a cup of coffee and headphones on, standing at the bus stop, or you can be simply strolling down the street about to enter into your favorite store. Then all of a sudden...BEEEP BEEEEP!! *blink*blink*-----what-the-fuck-. I cannot explain how much this pisses me off. After the initial shock that I suffer from the blaring sound, my mind begins to go... first of all, I was under the impression that you honk at a dog to get them to move out of the way or at a hooker to show her that you are interested in her "business" and i am neither so what am i supposed to do?? Bat my eyelids and run recklessly into the street to greet you!?? hell to the no, so what would you like to happen. Now it is one thing for you to honk in passing because the obvious message is "you're cute". That is just as bad, but your disrespect can be overlooked...i guess. But when you honk at me, then signal for me to engage in a conversation with you or give the impression that you want my number, i wish I had an AK to spell "fuck you" in the side of your vehicle. You don't even respect me enough to get out of the car to acknowledge me, why would I be interested in knowing that you exist? Then you all have the nerve to be offended!! What is happening in the world when you think this is ok? Ugh. it disgusts me and it says in 5 seconds the type of person you are. an idiot. period. So fellas, next time you are in your car and you see an attractive female that you are interested in, please consider getting out of your vehicle at least to get her attention instead of honking at her as if to warn her that you are about to hit her.
ps. i wish i had one of these "no honking" signs to whip out the next time the madness occurs.
1 comment:
preach it.
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