so i have decided to post moments that my friends and i call "blinkblink" moments. these are moments when there are no words that will describe the hilarity,obscenity,irrationality,pettiness or frustration with a person, place,thing or situation. We all probably do the action but never think about it. It happens when you have a completely blank face and your eyelids close approx. 2x very slowly or rapidly depending on the mood, while your brain attempts to figure out "wtf!?" or "are you serious!?" "or please stop you are embarrassing yourself and others". I witness many of these moments so there will surely be more to come.
the blinkblink moment today will have to be the sad people who are such a hurry in life that when they are determined to not miss the train, they bolt past everyone, and upon hearing the metro say "DOORS CLOSING", they proceed to try and wedge their way in. As you are safely in the train or smartly standing on the platform, you watch them wiggle their way out of the situation they have put themselves in. Personally, I witnessed a larger woman in her "sneakersocksandtightsworkingwoman" look pinned perpendicularly in the train doors. The door hitting her cleavage and the crack of her ass. Usually these people are pinned in the doors or their bag or coat is stuck. at these times, there is nothing you can do or say but cross your arms and blinkblink. (followed by uncontrollable laughter in your head)
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Monday, September 29, 2008
this is necessary due to recent experiences and conversations with other baps. There is a shortage of eligible male baps. yes. black american princes. excuse me, "basps", black american straight princes. i love my gay men, but you all can only do so much for me... lol. I have conversations incessantly with females and we all have the same problems. so i propose this guide. it is a step by step system to help basps connect with baps. the world will be a better place.
*NOTE* this guide is for the intelligent black, professional males out there aged 21-30. if you are over 30, its not that you are not eligible, but personally i feel that you should be on a different page than myself. also, my uncles are all over 30.... In addition to this, you will find that all the answers are not here. if you find yourself confused or unable to comprehend, you sir, are not ready for a b.a.p.
step 1: assess your swagger.
my definition of swagger may be different than yours so pay attn. there is no one way to have swagger. it comes in many forms. you do not have to imitate any particular hip hop moguls or throw unnecessary slang into your speech or even fluff your speech with big ass words to impress someone. swagger comes from within and will naturally come about when you are true to yourself. if you like rap music, you like rap. if you like reading Shakespeare, so be it. if you like both, even better. i guess i can only speak for myself but i am sure a bap wants someone that can bring her something she cannot bring herself or something that is different from the next guy. this means that you wearing tight true religion jeans and some fancy ed hardy tee with your draws slightly exposed may not be enough for you to pass the test and receive the digits, essp. if i have never seen you in my life. do some upgrading and diversifying of your swagger and sexiness before approaching a bap, or you will get your feelings hurt. don't try to be something you aren't. that's not cool. if you wear a shirt and tie to work, that's you, if you don't, that's you too.
questions to consider: do you stink? does your breath stink? how does she look? is she in a hurry? are you ALOT older than her? do you own a linen two piece? is she smiling when you say hello to her? are you too close for comfort? did she say she has a boyfriend? are you touching her? are you looking at her like she is a piece of meat?
parts of your swagger:
your appearance: hair,clothes,shoes,scent
your "look", ie: laid back, aggressive,thuggish,intellectual, stand offish
your interests: music,books,activities,travels,experiences
your speech, vocabulary, tone of voice: what words and phrases are you using?
step 2: the introduction
this is crucial to the whole process. part of diversifying and sexifying your swagger is "stepping up your vocab". the annoying "HOW U DOIN?" "WHAS YO NAME""AY, CAN I TALK TO YOU FOR A MINUTE" will get you a *blink*blink*, a click of the heels and an about face. an eye and or neck roll may be included. you must understand that just because you think she is cute, she just might not think the same about you. as a decent man, you must grow some balls, accept this and move on. think of this as the "elevator pitch" used in networking events. if you had one minute to express yourself to a potential employer, what would you say? Would you really say "Hiwhatsyournamecanigetyournumber?" HELL NO. So why would you do it to a girl you would like to get to know? Take your time, assess your swagger, assess the situation, then move in cautiously. Switch up the greeting, make an interesting comment or observation...sumthin!
step 3: the interaction and exchange
be confident, but don't get too fresh. give her some space. you approached her, now give her time to assess you. too much pressure is a HUGE turn off. in trying to get information you can detect whether or not she is interested. if she is giving you short and choppy answers, abort the operation! if she is smiling and actually engaging with you, then proceed with caution. here's a huge tip. If she mentions a boyfriend, BACK UP. I have had guys ask if I had a boyfriend, even if i didn't, i would say i did to get them to leave me alone. then they have the nerve to say "well can we be friends?" NO NO NO NO NO. If a girl wants to talk to you, she would not tell you she has a boyfriend!!!! DUH!! These are important signs. If all is well you have two options. 1. if this is a quick introduction on the street or in the club, and contact information is needed, then you can simply ASK how she would like to proceed. it is simple " should i give you my contact information or would you like to give me yours". it is 2008 people, a screen name, email etc will work if the digits are hard to come by. If you have plenty of time, or you know for sure you will see her again, wait to exchange information. it wont hurt and again, she will appreciate you wanting to contact her in more ways then calling and having breathing sessions, although a call is better than a text...
stay tuned for PART II. in the meanwhile, enjoy this comic relief and how NOT to approach a BAP.
*NOTE* this guide is for the intelligent black, professional males out there aged 21-30. if you are over 30, its not that you are not eligible, but personally i feel that you should be on a different page than myself. also, my uncles are all over 30.... In addition to this, you will find that all the answers are not here. if you find yourself confused or unable to comprehend, you sir, are not ready for a b.a.p.
step 1: assess your swagger.
my definition of swagger may be different than yours so pay attn. there is no one way to have swagger. it comes in many forms. you do not have to imitate any particular hip hop moguls or throw unnecessary slang into your speech or even fluff your speech with big ass words to impress someone. swagger comes from within and will naturally come about when you are true to yourself. if you like rap music, you like rap. if you like reading Shakespeare, so be it. if you like both, even better. i guess i can only speak for myself but i am sure a bap wants someone that can bring her something she cannot bring herself or something that is different from the next guy. this means that you wearing tight true religion jeans and some fancy ed hardy tee with your draws slightly exposed may not be enough for you to pass the test and receive the digits, essp. if i have never seen you in my life. do some upgrading and diversifying of your swagger and sexiness before approaching a bap, or you will get your feelings hurt. don't try to be something you aren't. that's not cool. if you wear a shirt and tie to work, that's you, if you don't, that's you too.
questions to consider: do you stink? does your breath stink? how does she look? is she in a hurry? are you ALOT older than her? do you own a linen two piece? is she smiling when you say hello to her? are you too close for comfort? did she say she has a boyfriend? are you touching her? are you looking at her like she is a piece of meat?
parts of your swagger:
your appearance: hair,clothes,shoes,scent
your "look", ie: laid back, aggressive,thuggish,intellectual, stand offish
your interests: music,books,activities,travels,experiences
your speech, vocabulary, tone of voice: what words and phrases are you using?
step 2: the introduction
this is crucial to the whole process. part of diversifying and sexifying your swagger is "stepping up your vocab". the annoying "HOW U DOIN?" "WHAS YO NAME""AY, CAN I TALK TO YOU FOR A MINUTE" will get you a *blink*blink*, a click of the heels and an about face. an eye and or neck roll may be included. you must understand that just because you think she is cute, she just might not think the same about you. as a decent man, you must grow some balls, accept this and move on. think of this as the "elevator pitch" used in networking events. if you had one minute to express yourself to a potential employer, what would you say? Would you really say "Hiwhatsyournamecanigetyournumber?" HELL NO. So why would you do it to a girl you would like to get to know? Take your time, assess your swagger, assess the situation, then move in cautiously. Switch up the greeting, make an interesting comment or observation...sumthin!
step 3: the interaction and exchange
be confident, but don't get too fresh. give her some space. you approached her, now give her time to assess you. too much pressure is a HUGE turn off. in trying to get information you can detect whether or not she is interested. if she is giving you short and choppy answers, abort the operation! if she is smiling and actually engaging with you, then proceed with caution. here's a huge tip. If she mentions a boyfriend, BACK UP. I have had guys ask if I had a boyfriend, even if i didn't, i would say i did to get them to leave me alone. then they have the nerve to say "well can we be friends?" NO NO NO NO NO. If a girl wants to talk to you, she would not tell you she has a boyfriend!!!! DUH!! These are important signs. If all is well you have two options. 1. if this is a quick introduction on the street or in the club, and contact information is needed, then you can simply ASK how she would like to proceed. it is simple " should i give you my contact information or would you like to give me yours". it is 2008 people, a screen name, email etc will work if the digits are hard to come by. If you have plenty of time, or you know for sure you will see her again, wait to exchange information. it wont hurt and again, she will appreciate you wanting to contact her in more ways then calling and having breathing sessions, although a call is better than a text...
stay tuned for PART II. in the meanwhile, enjoy this comic relief and how NOT to approach a BAP.
Big Ups 2 Bill

i was watching meet the press yesterday and i was pleased with what bill clinton was saying so i thought i'd share. here is a snippet from the transcript:
PRES. CLINTON: The American--first of all, I wish we could have a cessation in the use of the word Africa for just 18 months while America learns that Africa is a continent that just in sub-Saharan Africa has 48 separate countries, and that it's not just the geography, it's the politics, the culture, the language, everything is different, and that yes, there's been bad news in Darfur, yes, there's been bad news out of Zimbabwe, but you have country after country after country with very high growth rates and remarkable progress. I mean, Rwanda, genocide in '94, 10 percent of the country dies in 90 days. Four years later, their per capita income still well under $300 a year, 10 years later, $1,000 a year. Nearly quadrupled their per capita income. That's the real Africa. That is far more representative of what the African people are doing and can do tomorrow than the other, and I really wish every time we talked about it--you should discuss it with your news people--whether we would mention a country. You might say, "Oh, by the way, it's in Africa," but we've got to stop thinking of Africa as a monolith.
Before he talked about his work in Africa, he was talking about how great Obama is, which of course made me happy. He did so in a very clear and honest way. He admitted he had just met Obama and is working on building a relationship with him. Unlike most politicians, Bill has a way of articulately communicating "real talk" instead of politickin mumbjo jumbo. Here's the link for the full transcript: Big ups to Bill.
PRES. CLINTON: The American--first of all, I wish we could have a cessation in the use of the word Africa for just 18 months while America learns that Africa is a continent that just in sub-Saharan Africa has 48 separate countries, and that it's not just the geography, it's the politics, the culture, the language, everything is different, and that yes, there's been bad news in Darfur, yes, there's been bad news out of Zimbabwe, but you have country after country after country with very high growth rates and remarkable progress. I mean, Rwanda, genocide in '94, 10 percent of the country dies in 90 days. Four years later, their per capita income still well under $300 a year, 10 years later, $1,000 a year. Nearly quadrupled their per capita income. That's the real Africa. That is far more representative of what the African people are doing and can do tomorrow than the other, and I really wish every time we talked about it--you should discuss it with your news people--whether we would mention a country. You might say, "Oh, by the way, it's in Africa," but we've got to stop thinking of Africa as a monolith.
Before he talked about his work in Africa, he was talking about how great Obama is, which of course made me happy. He did so in a very clear and honest way. He admitted he had just met Obama and is working on building a relationship with him. Unlike most politicians, Bill has a way of articulately communicating "real talk" instead of politickin mumbjo jumbo. Here's the link for the full transcript: Big ups to Bill.

from the website:
"UNCOUNTED is an explosive new documentary that shows how the election fraud that changed the outcome of the 2004 election led to even greater fraud in 2006 - and now looms as an unbridled threat to the outcome of the 2008 election. This controversial feature length film by Emmy award-winning director David Earnhardt examines in factual, logical, and yet startling terms how easy it is to change election outcomes and undermine election integrity across the U.S. Noted computer programmers, statisticians, journalists, and experienced election officials provide the irrefutable proof.UNCOUNTED shares well documented stories about the spine-chilling disregard for the right to vote in America. In Florida, computer programmer Clint Curtis is directed by his boss to create software that will “flip” votes from one candidate to another. In Utah, County Clerk Bruce Funk is locked out of his office for raising questions about security flaws in electronic voting machines. Californian Steve Heller gets convicted of a felony after he leaks secret documents detailing illegal activities committed by a major voting machine company. And Tennessee entrepreneur, Athan Gibbs, finds verifiable voting a hard sell in America and dies before his dream of honest elections can be realized. UNCOUNTED is a wake up call to all Americans. Beyond increasing the public’s awareness, the film inspires greater citizen involvement in fixing a broken electoral system. As we approach the decisive election of 2008, UNCOUNTED will change how you feel about the way votes are counted in America."


While posing in front of the capitol, we had to remind the guide that we were not Elle from Legally Blonde, we just politely told him we were "Legally Black". *chuckles*. Well that was the highlight of my weekend, along with drinking lots of wine and being in a techno club with random bursts of smoke coming the ceiling and dancing with nikita and ashley. So if you are in town hit me up and i will be delighted to zip around the city with you. I believe they have locations out in maryland and philly too.
Friday, September 26, 2008

For Colored Girls Who Have Considered Suicide When the Rainbow Is Enuf by Ntozake Shange is BRILLIANT. If you have not read it, your womanhood is not complete. It was supposed to be at Broadway's Circle in the Square Theatre in New York City this fall but it has been postponed to Spring 2009, so watch out for it!! Now a little background...
This woman is powerful. She was born Paulette Williams and changed her name. Ntozake" means "She who comes with her own things" and "Shange" means "she who walks with lions" in Xhosa. (That is a tribe in South Africa, yes the one with clicks, those are my people.) Anyhoo, that't tight as hell. I would like to change my name too....
So the play is a "choreopoem" about seven different women: orange (that was me when i was in the play!!!), purple,yellow,green,red, brown, and blue. Through music, and vivid depictions of real life situations that all women of color have to face, she hits you over the head with genius poetry and timeless stories (it was written in 1975). The women discuss losing virginity, abusive men, dancing, singing, praising and the list goes on. Please read it. stimulate your mind. "and i loved her fiercely...."
Thursday, September 25, 2008

Tuesday, September 30, 2008
it's that simple and everyone is doing it. if you don't, you will be a loser. Be it relatives, church members, people in the store, or that dude on the corner, get it done. oh! and apparently you CANNOT wear your fab obama paraphernalia on Nov.4 or you will get locked up. that sux.
BOHO CHIC! What's your "LOOK"?
i love "looks". It's a game i play in my head when i go shopping and when i get dressed everyday. I take a piece of clothing, shoes or jewelry or certain color and that will be my starting point. Then I turn it into some drawn out dramatic story in my head. Previous looks have been "struggling student" and "aqua goddess" just to name a couple. Now trust me, it was always fab! (haha)I did this for class or big events where i had to dress up lol. Then I get to embody whatever I look like. It's fun! trust me, you should try it. This is the name of my fall "look". I crack myself up. I am going for the earthy,warm ,bohemian chic look with a splash of glam. And a chick is broke soo we are doing this on a budget. So far I have found these cute little doodads: The purse is from target and the boots are from urbanoutfitters, the other stuff is from here and there and everywhere and grandmas jewelry box.
I'll be rocking the hippie headband look with feathered earrings and big ass colorful beaded and wooden jewelry, excessive fringes with unneccesary big hair. My own twist on the boho look. So if you see me and you laugh, oh well, you were warned. My colors will be deep jewel tones in magenta, royal blue, burnt orange and hunter green. Some olive and yellow and of course black. LMAO. This is the cheapest look I could come up with and still look fab. Oh goodness, is it fall already?? get your "LOOK" ready!!!

I'll be rocking the hippie headband look with feathered earrings and big ass colorful beaded and wooden jewelry, excessive fringes with unneccesary big hair. My own twist on the boho look. So if you see me and you laugh, oh well, you were warned. My colors will be deep jewel tones in magenta, royal blue, burnt orange and hunter green. Some olive and yellow and of course black. LMAO. This is the cheapest look I could come up with and still look fab. Oh goodness, is it fall already?? get your "LOOK" ready!!!

please click the above pic to hear one of my favorite songs of the year. it will bless you. We all heard it on the MTV awards when he performed it but I don't think you all were paying attention. some people put their noses up at it but i love it. kanye makes me shake my head at him sometimes but hey, u gotta respect the music. enjoy. can't wait for the album. speaking of albums BEYONCE IS COMIN OUT SOON, HAAAAAAAAAAAY!

OK. Because this is my new blog I must re-state my political position. I could give a two shits about politics because I aint never see nobody in the history book that looked like me. I did however always know how important politics were and how much power they had and because no one that looked like me was hardly in politics...we had no power. period. With this said, you, your mother and all those you associate with need to be registered to vote, verify your registration and of course VOTE on Tuesday, November 4, 2008. Yes I am a BARACK supporter and you should be too. I do not care what color, sex, political party you are, BARACK is the most human candidate we have ever had. I am exhausted with this campaign and the shenanigans mccain and palin have pulled and don't even feel like expressing my frustrations right now. All i can do is support BARACK, and ask you to do the same. Besides the fact that Michelle is the bomb and Sasha and Malia are adorable, I actually understand what comes out of Barack's mouth and feel what he is saying and it actually makes sense. Here's the info, so you can be an informed voter. ps: being an informed voter is sexy. Not being registered to vote and not being able to have a convo about politics is not sexy. step up your game, advance your swagger.
Current job: U.S. senator from Illinois
vera wang tee:

Birth date: August 4, 1961; Honolulu, Hawaii
Family: Married Michelle Robinson (1992-present);
Children: Sasha (2001) and Malia Ann (1999)
Religion: Christian
Education: Columbia University, B.A., 1983; Harvard University, J.D., 1991
Campaign Web site:
Religion: Christian
Education: Columbia University, B.A., 1983; Harvard University, J.D., 1991
Campaign Web site:
1990s: Practiced civil rights law and taught constitutional law at the University of Chicago Law School.
1997-2005: Illinois state senator, representing the 13th District.
2000: Ran for a U.S. House seat but lost primary to former Black Panther Bobby Rush.
July 27, 2004: Delivered keynote address at the Democratic National Convention
November 2004: Won the U.S. Senate seat in Illinois, defeating Alan Keyes. It was the first time in history a Senate general election race was between two African-American candidates.
November 2004: Won the U.S. Senate seat in Illinois, defeating Alan Keyes. It was the first time in history a Senate general election race was between two African-American candidates.
He is author of "Dreams From My Father: A Story of Race and Inheritance" (1995);
"The Audacity of Hope: Thoughts on Reclaiming the American Dream" (2006) and
"It Takes a Nation: How Strangers Became Family in the Wake of Hurricane Katrina" (2006).
Obama won a Grammy Award in 2006 for best spoken album for his reading of "Dreams From My Father."
In his 1995 autobiography, Obama confessed to experimenting with marijuana and cocaine as a teenager.
In 2006, he toured five African countries, including a visit to Nyangoma-Kogelo, Kenya, his late father's hometown. He was the first African American to be president of the Harvard Law Review.
Here is Barack's position on some important issues:
Abortion: Supports abortion rights.
Immigration: Supported Bush-backed immigration reform legislation, which would have increased funding and improved border security technology, improved enforcement of existing laws, and provided a legal path to citizenship for some illegal immigrants. Voted to authorize construction of a 700-mile fence along the U.S.-Mexican border.
Immigration: Supported Bush-backed immigration reform legislation, which would have increased funding and improved border security technology, improved enforcement of existing laws, and provided a legal path to citizenship for some illegal immigrants. Voted to authorize construction of a 700-mile fence along the U.S.-Mexican border.
Iraq: Opposed use of military force in Iraq. Voted for war spending bill that would have withdrawn most U.S. troops by March 2008. Supports phased redeployment of U.S. troops. Opposed Bush's plan to send additional troops to Iraq. Had once called for troop withdrawal to begin by the end of 2006.
Same-sex marriage: Opposes same-sex marriage, but also opposes a constitutional ban. Supports civil unions.
Social Security: Opposes Bush plan allowing workers to divert some Social Security payroll taxes into private retirement accounts.
Taxes: Opposed extending 2003 Bush tax cut law through 2010. Supports eliminating marriage penalty and extending child tax credit. Supports scaling back capital gains and dividends tax cuts and re-examining tax benefits for the top one percent of earners.
(all info from
I have heard all of the drama surrounding Barack and I will not have it. So on this page you will see nothing but support. With that said, go get some fly Barack gear and BARACK THE VOTE.
*click the pics to go shopping*
vera wang tee:

tracy reese tee:

The Current Situation
HIIII!!! Ok so I deleted my other blog because I was tired of it and I wasn't keeping up with it and I didnt tell anyone about it, so no one saw But I promise promise promise I will try to keep up with this one. The other one did have some good stuff about my trips etc, but oh well. This will be an outpouring of life and thoughts post-college. For those who know me, this will be comic relief and a play by play of my life. For those who are just meeting me... mwhahahahaaa, Welcome to my world! You will find this to be a fascinating modge podge of the world at large through my crazy eyes embellished with outlandish doo dads and thingamahjigs. I have something to say about EVERYTHING from politics and poverty to those itty bitty moments in life no one pays attention to. You will come to realize my favorite topics are Black People and Women and the fabulous things in life. Try to keep up with my random slang concoctions, open your mind and enjoy the ride! Here's a QuickGuide:
lifeplan,n: the blueprint recently concocted and my claim to fame. It is a plan I will follow to make all my dreams come true.
ashley, n: the bff, and person i have most of my covos with
2bit,adj.: words to describe senseless people, places and things. originated from grandma.
those are just a few of the re-occuring phrases you will see. Also, I tend to have a potty-mouth so please know this is not for children.
Alright, now that the intro is done lets begin. As I said, college is over. I have a BACHELAS duhgree to prove it and I graduated "THANK YA LAUDE" at the top of my class. Babson is #1 in the WORLD for entrepreneurship and it is located in Wellesley, MASSAchussetts (google it) and it was a crazy experience to say the least, but hopefully we will be putting those business plan skillz into use in the near future. Before that happens, bills need to be paid so we are currently searching for yes, you guessed it... A JOB. When I went to school you could not tell me I would not be dressed in a fly pin striped, double breasted power suit and a briefcase trotting to work and looking busy all the time for no damn reason, however after 4 years of seeing the reality of the machine we call "corporate america", you cannot and will not pay me to do such a thing. Success is still the name of my game, but obviously I need to get there another way. For now we will continue our search and will stay with grandma lol. More on that to come...
lifeplan,n: the blueprint recently concocted and my claim to fame. It is a plan I will follow to make all my dreams come true.
ashley, n: the bff, and person i have most of my covos with
2bit,adj.: words to describe senseless people, places and things. originated from grandma.
those are just a few of the re-occuring phrases you will see. Also, I tend to have a potty-mouth so please know this is not for children.
Alright, now that the intro is done lets begin. As I said, college is over. I have a BACHELAS duhgree to prove it and I graduated "THANK YA LAUDE" at the top of my class. Babson is #1 in the WORLD for entrepreneurship and it is located in Wellesley, MASSAchussetts (google it) and it was a crazy experience to say the least, but hopefully we will be putting those business plan skillz into use in the near future. Before that happens, bills need to be paid so we are currently searching for yes, you guessed it... A JOB. When I went to school you could not tell me I would not be dressed in a fly pin striped, double breasted power suit and a briefcase trotting to work and looking busy all the time for no damn reason, however after 4 years of seeing the reality of the machine we call "corporate america", you cannot and will not pay me to do such a thing. Success is still the name of my game, but obviously I need to get there another way. For now we will continue our search and will stay with grandma lol. More on that to come...
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