ok. so of course i love barack and have never liked mccain. BUT DAMN. he has really done it. besides his whack excuses for policies. the root of his being is what frustrates me. i felt this extreme dislike for "that one" after last night's debate, but really after obama's rally in indiana today. i literally was tearing up at the end of his speech because i really did not understand why the hell anyone would vote for mccain. i know barack is teased because of his great speaking abilities (i dont know why) but i think that is the number one quality a president should have. i see the president as someone who should connect with americans instantly. even if its on the television screen, i should feel like you are talking to me. mccains speech seems to be hmm, how do i say, FAKE?! and really i try not to be biased everytime i listen to him, but then i am completely hit in the face everytime he DOES NOT acknowledge "Senator Obama"; instead he talks to the moderator or refers to obama as "that one". HOW RUDE. In everything he says about education, the economy, health insurance etc, it seems as though he is completely out of tune with the majority of america. for instance, when he said that government should not be involved with healthcare and should not regulate it. HAS HE NOT BEEN TO THE HOOD!?does he not know triflin americans?! YES, people need to be forced to get their children healthcare!! it is sad but true. I recently saw an episode of Oprah where a family had the income but the mother shopped her ass off and had no insurance for her 4 children!!! At the root of it, mccain does not understand history. that's it. he does understand how events and periods in history have put people in places where they HAVE NOTHING BUT THE GOVERNMENT. history has tied the arms of so many people, AND NOW YOU DONT WANT WALK AWAY!? and if you asked his "maverick" ass, he would tell you otherwise, but really. if you own 7 houses and 13 cars, there is no way you can be in touch with normal americans. and people say "well, bball player have lots of houses and cars" -_-, they are not running FOR PRESIDENT!! no way. he does not understand the african american and other minority population AT ALL. i dont even think he has mentioned us in his entire campaign. he thinks the government should be removed from everything....then what is it there for!?!? why are you running for president!?? honestly. barack spoke so wonderfully today about everyday things mccain probably didnt even know existed. he wasnt even afraid to look around at the audience and acknowledge the different races and how

we are all struggling right now. i am completely disgusted with mccain and really do not understand how people are voting for him. he is a
no neck having, shriveled up, sick, senile, skeleton lookin, leather faced, out of touch, backwards excuse for a politician. he is so stuck on hurting obama, he cant even think straight. i am just WAITING for the n-bomb to drop. im waiting. barack spoke about the real american dream and american history and how the world sees us. he spoke about the ability for america to become a beacon again instead of talking about just winning this stupid war, and NO they are not one in the same. mccain seems like he is playing with little green army men around the world and just wants to jump on the couch hollering victory. barack seems to be connected to peoples lives and seems to actually give a shit about whats REALLY going on. i swear i do not know WHAT i am going to do if mccain is allowed into the white house. it will really say something about america. something i know to be true but pray everyday that it is not. please prove me wrong america.
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