1. i swear i have heart and soul. lots of it. but today while walking down the sidewalk, i was digging around in my purse for my sunglasses and i look up and see this homeless man with his hand out begging, and i think "FUCK" because it looks like i am going to give him something, but
im not! so i say "
im sorry, i
dont have anything" as i pass and he yells "YEAH, YOU
GON BE SORRY!" 0_0 what!?? how rude! i have much respect for anyone and do not look down upon anyone and never will but DAMN! why it gotta be like that!?!? i was hurt for a second, then i got angry. why are there so many poor and homeless people?? i
dont know who to blame, so ill blame everyone. i get so uncomfortable when i have to walk past them, but if i give them all my money( which i do not have), ill be right there with them!!! i don't even carry cash!!

2. this one is for the fellas. why is it so hard for you all to make a girl happy? honestly. i have guys that call or text etc and want to "hang out" or something. then when we actually try to make plans its always "what you wanna do?" and when i say "i don't care" you all are stumped. YOU WANTED TO HANG OUT WITH ME. why is it hard to some up with something besides the movies or getting food??? because then it becomes "i don't have any money". SO FIND SOMETHING THAT IS FREE. be creative!!!
ok. thats it.
lol...I guess you can say that I am guilty of dinner and a movie....No excuses on my part tho I'm just not that creative lol
lol! well theres nothing wrong with dinner and a movie, dont get me wrong, but if you are just getting to know a girl, you cant really talk to her in a theater...
Men are the worst... I have that problem too... always have to be the one that comes up with an idea for a date... can you please man up and get some balls and be creative... intiate something for once... give me hope that chivalry isn't dead... ugh!
@#2... i hear that
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