"don't be mad when you see that he want it".... ooohhh the excitement!!! BEYONCE'S ALBUM. if you know me, you know i am shaking in my pants. iv'e heard clips of " if i were a boy" and i was like ehh. but this one! "single ladies", i swear, me and beyonce are soul mates, she understands me lol. she speaks for me...because i can't sing. but anyways, everyone should download it and love it and think its fab, because i do..
ok. in an attempt to lose weight and because a few people have told me how great it is, i am picking up the activity of walking. yes. walking. im mad i didn't do it all summer, but theres still time before its unbearably cold. it does wonders for me. the air. the alone time= great. you should try it....
c'est vrai. (that's true)... to all of the above.
LOVE the song!
yeah I didnt like that If I were a boy song either... just sounded like she was yelling the whole time... the when I saw the video I started to like it... the video is so simple that it brings and elegance and balance to the fact that she's just screaming...
but that other song... the one you like, I am NOT feeling it... it sounds like something that wasn't good enough to make the B'day album... like something she's already done before
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